Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 4th of July Everybody!!!

This is a picture of me & my Sister, Karen when we were kids ~ my Mom scanned it and e-mailed it to me ;) Hee hee....

Anyway, the winner of the little goddess necklace is Katie!!! Congratulations, Katie! Ozzy picked #2. I hope everybody has a safe & Happy 4th of July weekend!!! We still have house guests and we are having a huge party on Sunday!! Burgers, Brats, A Keg of Beer, Hotdogs, Watermelon & Cornhole!!!! I'll have pics on Monday!!!

♥ & peace always ~ Kathy

"There are two ways of spreading light ~ to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." ~ Edith Wharton


Thanks for your comments ~ ♥