I don't know about ya'll, but I'm ready for a vacation! Some tropical island with giant frozen drinks, lots of fruit and tiny umbrellas ~ ah...maybe ~ I'll keep my fingers crossed. In the meantime, I'll just keep making stuff and dreaming.
I'm loving this simple little pearl necklace that I made today! It's for sale in the shop, or you can win it, by commenting on this blog post and telling me where your ultimate dream vacation spot would be. That's it! Ozzy will pick a winner Tuesday! Good luck!! Not only would this little necklace be beautiful on a bride, or bridesmaid, it would make a perfect gift for that "sweet 16" birthday girl! It's just so cute & dainty! Plus, it's only $15 and includes "free shipping" [for a limited time]. I think I'm going to make several of these, with different color pearls. They are great for Summertime! I don't like wearing heavy necklaces when it's scorching hot outside, so this would be perfect!
I sure have been enjoying all of the blooming flowers around here! One of my favorites is the Hosta...and, unfortunately, the deer love it, too! We lost just about 1/2 of the blooms in one single night. Wayne got some stuff at the hardware store to "repel" the deer, but Ozzy loves it and goes outside and licks the leaves of the Hosta plants! The stuff smells like rotten eggs! Dogs are so gross ~ lol
So, I don't know if you noticed, but now you can actually purchase prints, or cards of my photos that I post [the photos I take]. If you click on the photo itself, it will open up in a little picture window and you can choose from the menu what you would like to purchase. Of course, your actual print will not have the watermark, unless you specifically ask for it. How awesome is that! I'm really excited about it.
I'm also really excited about these:
I got 5 of them! Mini telescopes and they really work!! Really!! I can't wait to make something with them...what a great little thing to have on a tropical vacation! You could watch the ships come in! And don't forget to leave a comment here and tell me about your dream vacation! You could win this awesome necklace! Happy Thursday everybody!!
♥ & peace always ~ Kathy
"Vacations prove that a life of pleasure is overrated." ~ Mason Cooley