...and little boys ~ My little boy is coming to see me today!!! He'll be flying in from Baton Rouge @ 5:30 this afternoon! I'm soooo excited! He'll be here for a whole week! He's never been to the mountains before, and boy is he going to love it! Especially right now with all of the gorgeous fall colors ~ it's beautiful out there today! Of course, I have to make all of his favorite dishes while he's here ~ his most favorite of ALL being "hamburger packages"! This has been his favorite thing as long as I can remember. You should try it for your kids ~ they'll love it too! Plus, there's no pots and pans to wash! How easy is that! Here's what you do:
Pre-heat oven to 400
Make a hamburger patty ~ you can season it some if you want, I usually don't.
Cut up some potatoes in wedges {like steak fries}
Cut up some carrots in strips, or you can use the peeled baby carrots.
Slice an onion in thin circles.
Take a piece of aluminum foil ~ about 12x12 or so
Put the hamburger patty on the bottom & then top it with a few onion slices
Pile on the carrots & potato wedges
Season to your liking ~ I just use sea salt & cracked black pepper
wrap it up good, so the juices & steam don't escape
put the package right on the oven rack and bake for about 30/45 minutes ~ depending on how thick you made your hamburger patty & how many carrots & potatoes you put in each. You can also check it after 30 minutes to see if it's done enough.
Then ~ enjoy!!!!

Several years ago ~ for Mother's day, Broc gave me a "White's Tree Frog". I named him "Skippy" and he lived for about 5 years. When he died, we buried him in a cigar box in the back yard and put this little angel statue on his grave. The statue is a little boy angel, sitting on top of a huge frog {I'll have to post a picture later of the whole statue}. It's really cute! Now I have it sitting in my yard ~ a reminder of little boys and frogs ~ two of my most favorite things ~ besides puppy dogs! Speaking of which, Ozzy got his latest check-up Tuesday and he has lost a total of 21 lbs. on his thyroid meds! He's like a little puppy again ~ running and playing with Lita. His fur is all fluffed out & he looks like a little bear cub ~

So the winner of
these awesome earrings was lucky #1 ~ Anita!! Congratulations!! I hope you enjoy them ~ check back soon for another awesome "freebie" ~ thanks for reading, everybody! Gotta run for now and pick up a little bit, before I head out to the airport. Have a wonderful weekend, everybody!!
♥ & peace always ~ Kathy
"How beautifully everything is arranged by nature: as soon as a child enters the world, it finds a mother ready to take care of it." ~
Jules Michelet