Friday, January 25, 2008

New Stuff New Stuff!!!

I'm getting ready to have a "trunk show" in a couple of weeks to try and sell some of my lingering inventory. But I would love to sell some of them before the show, so I won't have so many labels to make. With that being said, ALL of the "Beaded Necklaces" are 10% off for all of my blog readers until next Friday {02/01} @ Midnight. All you have to do is purchase whatever you want, indicate "Blog Reader" in the comments to seller section on your Etsy transaction and then wait for me to send you an updated PayPal invoice, reflecting the discount. BE SURE and indicate "Blog Reader", since this offer won't be available for everybody. And, this is a great opportunity for some Valentine's Day shopping since I just made and listed a couple of brand new necklaces that are just awesome! Like this "Every Rose Has It's Thorn" one:

And my favorite ~ "Rain King" {remember that song from the "Counting Crows"}:

So you're probably wondering why I have a little jester with the saying "Life's Too Mysterious, Don't Take It Serious" for this post. Well, it's because of how silly some people can be when it comes to life in general and how so many people get depressed and take their lives, or the lives of others. It's just so senseless. Of course today I'm speaking of Heath Ledger & Britney Spears {namely}. So sad what fame & money do to some people. That's why I'm glad my spirit & passion is in my work & I could never, ever imagine becoming depressed or suicidal because of it. I wish each & every one of you a life full of love, laughter & peace. I hope you are all doing things you love & doing it passionately. Have a wonderful weekend!!!!

Xxoo & peace always ~ Kathy

"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time" ~ Unknown

Friday, January 18, 2008


Well, we finally got some snow & lots of it! We had a great time playing in it yesterday {for more Snow Pictures, click on the photo above}. Ozzy & Lita both love it! Lita decided that it tastes pretty darn good, too. My awesome little friend, Katie sent me a wonderful recipe for "Snow Cream". I'm going to try it this weekend when we get some fresh snow. Right now the snow is a little packed down and crunchy on top. I'll certainly post about the Snow Cream here, once I make it, so stay tuned. I made a huge pot of "Santa Fe Chicken & Corn Chowder" and it was yummy. We made sure we have enough "supplies" in the house in case we can't go any where for a few days. It looks like it might warm up enough today to melt what's left of yesterday's snow and then we'll get more tomorrow. So, I think we may take advantage of the melted slush and to out for dinner this evening. I don't want to turn into "Jack" from "The Shining". Because, as you all know, all work & no play makes Kathy a dull girl. I did make this rather charming little necklace yesterday ~ it's for Sale in the Shop if you want to look closer:

So I'll leave you with this precious little picture & quote from Ms. Engelbreit and hope you have a wonderful weekend! Stay Warm!!!

Xxoo & peace always ~ Kathy

Monday, January 14, 2008

3-D Photography, Walks In The Woods & Life…

I've been playing way to much lately! I'm having a wonderful time, though! When my friend, Van was here last week, he taught me how to make 3-D images with my camera {now I'm addicted}. If you click on the picture above, it will take you right to my "Flickr" pictures and there will be instructions there on how to view the image, plus a few more 3-D pictures. I think this one is the best, though. I hope you enjoy them! Of course, Wayne sometimes gets tired of me always taking pictures on our walks through the woods, but those walks are just awesome. We've taken 4 mile hikes the past two days and my legs feel like spaghetti. There are such wonderful things to see, though:

I know you are wondering if I got my taxes done [not]. I haven't even started yet. Well, I take that back, I did download all of my history from PayPal {which took forever, by the way}, so I did "start" somewhat. Hopefully it will get bitter cold this week {like it's supposed to} and then I'll be home-bound and have no choice but to start on paperwork. But if it's a beautiful day, I'll be in the woods! After all, why waste a beautiful day ~ Life goes on…..

One of my newest little friends, Paula, up here in the forest makes some awesome things {including some great bubble wands}. She just opened up her shop on Etsy, so please do check it out. It's called "PurpleBusStudio" ~ tell her I sent you.

Off to make dinner & enjoy the sunset ~ Hope you all have a wonderful week!!!

Xxoo & peace always ~ Kathy

"To me, every hour of the day & night is an unspeakably perfect miracle." – Walter Chrysler

Thursday, January 10, 2008

skip-a-dee-doo-dah day….

I'm the "Happiest Girl In The Whole USA". My Sister and I would belt out this song @ the top of our lungs. It drove my Mother nuts. The words are just so cute & funny. Today I'm having a "skip-a-dee-doo-dah day" and I would bet money that I am the Happiest Girl, too.

We had a wonderful visit with our friends Chuck & Van. We went on a great hike through the woods and then strolled through town, looked in shops and got a wonderful Ice-Cream cone. Of course, Van brought "Jacko" the sock monkey along for the trip. He writes books about Jacko's adventures. They are really quite amusing and very well written. I know you would enjoy reading them, so please do check them out if you get a chance. Van & Jacko would be glad you did. Jacko even got to ride a horse this trip! He had a wonderful time and he is quite a sweet little monkey:

Well, I bought my "TurboTax" software yesterday, so I'll be plugging away at that stuff the rest of the week and weekend. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I'll talk to you early next week.

Xxoo & peace always ~ Kathy

"Most Folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be" ~ Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Year Resolution….

I haven't read her book, but I know Teri Hatcher wrote one called "Burnt Toast". I had read an insert from it and I know what she feels like sometimes. Basically it means that she had never put herself first and was always trying to please others. If she made breakfast for her family {for instance}, she would always take the toast that was burnt, or the smallest cookie, etc. I've always lived my life this same way and I sometimes tend to let others walk all over me. Wayne really gets upset when somebody takes advantage of me because he knows that I'll never say anything. So, I made this little necklace and decided that this would be my New Year Resolution for 2008 ~ Be Bold and not let people take advantage of me anymore {we'll see how tough I can be}. I'll let you know when I break my promise to myself. I also bought a brand new Mary Engelbreit calendar and will be sharing some of her awesome little paintings & words of wisdom with you throughout the year. The one I picked for today is most appropriate for the topic, I would say:

I made this wonderful little necklace last night that I just love! So I'll share it with you and leave you with well wishes for a wonderful weekend:

Off to clean house & make a grocery list for my guests {Chuck & Van} that are arriving tomorrow. I'm looking forward to their visit!

Xxoo & peace always ~ Kathy

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!!!!

Happy New Year everybody!!! I hope the holidays were good to you and that 2008 will be even better. First of all I want to thank each and every one of you for your support last year! I had an amazing year on Etsy and it's all because of my wonderful customers & friends. My mailing list has grown by leaps and bounds. So much so that sending out a mass e-mail is an all day event. So, what I've decided to do, and that I think will work out even better, is to post a "special" here on my blog once a month. Don't worry about having to check my blog daily, as I will only be updating it a couple of times a week and whatever special I do post will be good for at least seven (7) days. Please let me know what you think about this idea and if you would rather get an e-mail. I'm open to all options and ideas.

We got our first real snow on Christmas Day evening. We had a house full of company all last week and I cooked and cleaned for what seemed 24/7. After a rather stressful day of it, Wayne and I decided to get in the hot tub after everybody else was sleeping. We snuck out there around 11:30ish {pm} and were enjoying a glass of wine and just winding down and talking about how lucky we were and then it started snowing. The flakes were massive! We hurried out and piled on warm clothing and rushed out with Ozzy & Lita for a snowball fight until about 2 {am}. It was awesome:

Here are some new earrings I made and listed in the shop ~ I named them "It's Only Rock & Roll", which is most fitting, I think.

Off to make a few new things. We have more company arriving this Sunday, so I'm trying to get organized and ready for 2008.

Hope you are all having a wonderful New Year! Remember ~ Have More Fun!!!

Xxoo & peace always ~ Kathy