I'm in love with my sewing machine! People have always been surprised when I tell them "I don't sew" --- they couldn't believe I didn't own a sewing machine...with all of the other "crafty" things I do. It was actually an un-thought-of gesture through "thanks to Amazon" a black Friday sale! And, thanks to my sister for gifting me her fitbit [that I don't even use]. I was going to get a fitbit from "Santa", but my sister gave me hers when she came to visit for Thanksgiving! So, there I was without anything for my "Santa" list [if you can imagine that!]. So I was sitting at my desk, going through my emails, and there was the "Black Friday Sale" from Amazon! I glanced through and saw this adorable sewing machine, on sale for less than 1/2 price, with tons of great reviews and, the best part, "perfect for beginners" --- so there it was, without me even having to think about it, my Christmas gift from Santa! Two mouse clicks later [literally], it was on it's way, with "free" two day shipping!

And boy have I been enjoying it ever since! Today I made another cute little "mug rug" --- I'm still trying to perfect my binding! It's not easy to keep it straight! I'll get there, though! Practice makes perfect...or so I've always been told:
And I've also been practicing my "quilting" techniques...like the "waves" I added to the ocean the Whales are swimming in! And, in case you are wondering, NO, that is not Starbucks coffee in that mug! In fact, it's some yummy healing bone broth! And I'm making another big pot of it today!
Always make sure to use bones from happy cows that live in a pasture and don't get shot up with hormones, or antibiotics!
And I always add plenty of extra onions [for Wayne] and lots of carrots [for Ozzy]. After the broth has cooked for about 48 hours, I strain the veggies and bones out and keep the broth. I keep the carrots in a container in the fridge and add them to Ozzy's food! He LOVES them...and they are so good for him! I'm currently healing for some minor surgery, so keeping my immunity boosted is a must and this is the perfect solution!
So now that I'm good and hungry...I'm off to fix dinner! It's finally Winter around here, so some good ole' mashed potatoes and gravy are on the menu for tonight! Yum!
Have a great week! Love and Peace always ~ Kathy
P.S. Rest in peace, David Bowie! The Earth will always be a little bit duller now.