It's that magical time of year! Time when all of the Spring Wildflowers start waking up from their Winter naps. Yesterday we found this gorgeous "Yellowroot", sprouting up along the banks of the Davidson River in Pisgah National Forest. Besides being beautiful, it's medicinal properties are amazing! "Yellowroot is an anti-inflammatory and a natural antibiotic. This plant can help in the treatment of sinus infections, bladder issues, cold/flu symptoms, sore throat, laryngitis, mouth sores, colitis, gastritis, congestion of the chest, and even earaches. Yellowroot is also uterine tonic and a digestive aid. It is an excellent liver stimulant and is useful in soothing the mucus membranes. Its’ cooling astringent qualities allow it to reduce any phlegm. Its versatility allows it to be used in a variety of different ways. Some of which include, as a mouthwash, tea, tinctures, eyewashes, salves, douches, and even ear drops. Can also be used to treat female health conditions including PMS and yeast infections. It has also been found that it can be helpful in lowering blood pressure."
And even though the water is still freezing cold, it warmed my soul, just standing in it and seeing all of the beautiful rocks and clean, clear water. Made me feel so grateful. As I was walking around, my eye caught something and, upon looking a little closer, it was a beautiful little Eastern Garter Snake! My first Snake medicine encounter of the year!! I was so happy!

You can be in the worst funk ever and spend just an hour in nature and your whole outlook will change! Try it! It's so healing and good for your heart and soul! Happy Spring!!!!
love and peace always ~ Kathy
“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” ~ Margaret Atwood