Saturday, September 8, 2007

My Interview, House Selling & New Stuff In The Shop

I've been missing you all so much! But, we have been awful busy here lately. First of all, we are 99.9% sure that we have the house sold {Yay}. The cute little couple that are buying it are really really sweet and nice and we know they will take good care of our house and love it as much as we do. Selling houses is a pain ~ you have to constantly keep everything picked up and clean, so you can show it in the drop of a hat. So now I can relax {a little bit}.

I was so excited last week! I was contacted by "I Love Bling" and asked for an interview. So, if you want to read it, it's here. It was a really nice interview, I thought. Let me know what you think.

Today I've been pretty much making new stuff all day long. My favorite thing is this pair of earrings:I named them "Rock Me Tonight" ~ my fav "Billy Squier" song ever! You know where to find them if you want a closer look. Besides these, there are several other new things listed as well. Plus, I have some really cool things I made today that will be listed either tonight or tomorrow. Check out the shop when you get a chance.

Well my little peeps, I just wanted to drop in and say hello and hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
xxoo & peace ~ Kathy

"May your life be like a wildflower, growing freely in the beauty & joy of each day"
~ Indian Proverb


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