Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year Resolutions...

For sure ~ this will be my #1 resolution! You can ALWAYS "Have! More! Fun!". And keeping with "tradition, I have a brand spanking new [2010] Mary Engelbreit calendar. I've been getting her little desktop calendars for about 15 years now! I just love all of the illustrations, and I love sharing them with everyone. So, let's see, what other resolutions do I have for this year!?!

#2 ~ tell the people I care about how much I love them more often.
#3 ~ take more hikes {and more pictures!}
#4 ~ live life to the fullest {which goes hand in hand with have more fun}
#5 ~ try harder to buy local & fresh food {eat more fruit & veggies}
#6 ~ make more jewelry, make more jewelry, make more jewelry
#7 ~ buy handmade things for gifts, instead of things mass marketed!
#8 ~ try not to go in Wal*Mart one single time this year {this should be easy}
#9 ~ try to say "NO" more often when people are taking advantage of me {this will be the hardest one}
#10 ~ make more $$ {which means, work harder}

That's it! Ten things are enough for one year! And now, I need to go work on #6 & #10, so I hope you are having a great year, so far! What are your resolutions? Post them in the comments, I would love to read them.

♥ & peace always ~ Kathy

"It was as if she had no preconditions...; the world simply unfolded before her, and she sustained the freedom always to be delighted." ~ John Forssen


  1. no resolutions from me! i always break them. :)
    good luck with yours. happiest of new years to y'all.

  2. happy new year, kathy! got the earrings in the mail. they're so gorgeous. thank you.

    my single new year's resolution is to use more moisturizer. i have to keep it relatively simple to keep it going.

    happy. peace.

  3. I like #'s, 2,3,4,5...can't do 6, so I'll just help you with #10!
    Happy New Year.
    Thanks for being such a good friend Kathy...even from far away.

  4. this looks a lot like my resolution list! (except for the hiking...I'm saving that resolution for a few years down the road, haha). Happy New Year! :)


Thanks for your comments ~ ♥