Sunday, July 1, 2007

Thank You!

Hey Everybody! Happy Sunday!!! Okay, so I spent most of yesterday making a space on My Space. It was a lot easier than I thought. I'm going to keep my blog here, though. I don't know if the My Space thing is worth it or not, but what have I got to lose {right}. Free advertising and not a whole lot of time wasted.

Anyway, I want to send out a big ole "Thank You" to everybody that has been buying up supplies from my new little shop. Things are just flying off the virtual "shelves" over there. And, I have lots, lots, lots please do keep checking. This is my little "customer appreciation" photo that I'm using in my new Etsy shop. He's also my avatar:
Well today is Broc's 27th birthday! Talk about make a gal feel old. He's moving into his new little studio apartment today and it's only a few blocks from where he works downtown. It's a great little neighborhood. Lots of young people, both artists and professionals. I know he will love it down there and fit right in. So I must go now and get some things done so I can go see him later this afternoon. I'll share another wrap bracelet I cranked out yesterday:
I'm off to do so packaging. Have a wonderful Sunday & I'll be back tomorrow.
xx00 & peace ~ Kathy ♥
"What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson {1803-1882}


  1. Wow! 27?! You had him when you were still a baby! And mine's 5 1/2! Whew, I wish I had had him just a wee bit earlier before I blew out my knee! I can't keep up with him! I bet you're so proud of your baby. Did you name him Brock after Brock on the Young and the Restless???! :)

  2. Hee hee ~ he's coming over today for dinner. Yes, Ginger I had him when I was 18. His daddy raced Motorcross, so he's named "Broc Ashley" - Broc from Broc Glover, a Motorcycle racer {his daddy's pick} & Ashley from Ashley on Gone With The Wind {my pick}. I am proud of him. He's a great kid!


Thanks for your comments ~ ♥