Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Vicious Cycle ~ Clorox=Chocolate=Beer!

I know this sounds weird, but every time I clean with Clorox, or anything with Clorox in it, I have to drink Chocolate Milk to get the smell out of my nose. And then, every time I drink Chocolate Milk, I want a beer. Does that make sense? So that's the way I look at cleaning. My rewards are Chocolate Milk & Beer.

The house is starting to all come together and we are getting closer to having it ready to sell. The hall bathroom is all done now and painted a pretty pinkish Terra cotta. Wayne is an awesome painter. He can paint a straight line with no tape! I'd have that paint all over the ceiling. I bought a pretty new shower curtain and rug for the bathroom and it looks awesome.
Wayne was home sick today. He has a miserable cold that jumped on him and won't let go. I think it's trying to jump on me, but maybe I inhaled enough Clorox today to kill all the little germies. If not, I'll just drown their asses in beer tonight & Tylenol Nighttime cold stuff. That stuff works great!

Well I did manage to crank out a new necklace and a pair of earrings for the shop:

Well my little friends, it's time to go get dinner started so I can feed Wayne's cold {or is it starve a cold} ~ I can never remember. So I'll leave you with another "Wise & Witty Prescription for Living from Dr. Seuss" ~ I hope you had wonderful day! ♥ and peace ~ Kathy
On Life's Mysteries
'Cause you never can tell
What goes on down below!
This pool might be bigger
Than you or I know!
----McElligot's Pool


  1. The chocolate milk and beer reward is so funny! I make coffee my reward for cleaning up the breakfast mess in the kitchen every day. And Captain Morgan is usually my weekend reward for surviving another week with 3 kids. But your vicious cycle is adorable. :)

  2. Love the color of the paint! And your new necklace is awesome. I love the big focal pendant!

  3. love, love, love those earrings! i'm really liking the "stacked" stone look lately. post more pics of your bath so we can see the final results. i bet it's really nice.

  4. I'll do another post on the final touches next week. I still need to get a nice towel set for in there. I got a rug & shower curtain that look really nice. A carpet man came today and replaced the carpet in the hall {where Ozzy had eaten it when he was a puppy}. It looks a gazillion times better. I don't know why we waited four years to fix it. Oh well, the people that buy the house will appreciate it. Thanks Ginger & Lora! And Christie, my reward for tonight is a Margarita {or 2} ♥


Thanks for your comments ~ ♥