Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Winter!

Wow! I can't believe it's the first day of winter! Of course, if you look out my windows, you can believe it! The snow come in Thursday and it's still here! My driveway is a slippery slope. Ozzy & Lita had a ball! It didn't take them long to figure out that the snow was edible and then they were eating & licking it like it was a treat {which, in all actuality, it is}. So, if you want to see all of my "snowy pictures", you can see them all on "flickr". It's supposed to "warm up" today to a balmy 46 so, hopefully, it will melt some of the ice on the road and my mail will be delivered! I haven't had any mail since Thursday and I know I have a big stack of Christmas Cards awaiting! I love getting Christmas cards, seeing all the little kids, parents and pets. Not to mention the newsletters from those I only hear from once a year. To me, that's the best part of Christmas ~ the "catching up" ~ life goes by so fast that sometimes we don't even realize how long it has been when certain things happen in our lives ~ like this:it's a picture of me, on my brother-in-laws boat ~ taken in June of 1987! Twenty-two years ago! TWENTY-TWO years!!! Oh my goodness, I remember this day and how much fun we had. I can't believe it's been that long. I guess the good thing about being "snowed in", is that it's given me a chance to look through a bunch of old pictures and reminisce.

So {without being to philosophical} ~ wherever you are and whatever you're doing when you read this post, stop for one minute and be thankful for the winter and the people you love in your life. And then see if you can think of something from long ago that made you happy and then, you'll smile :)

Happy Winter everybody!!! Don't forget to check back on Christmas Eve for a super surprise give-away! Enjoy your day!
♥ & peace always ~ Kathy

"To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else." ~ Emily Dickinson


  1. What a hottie! lol Thanks for sharing such a neat memory ~ you are so right, time sure does fly!

  2. Some people don't like winter and being "stuck" inside, but I like the way the darkness falls early and the feeling that it envelopes you and your family in the warmth of "being" inside.
    Happy Christmas to all!
    Oh and send some snow my way...

  3. Happy Winter to you too Kathy!
    Enjoy it all!


Thanks for your comments ~ ♥