Friday, January 20, 2017

United we stand, divided we fall...

Sitting on the porch with my coffee this morning and thinking about how divided our world has become...then I noticed three little birds sitting in the same tree, just branches apart. At first I thought they were probably the same kind of birds, or at least a few of the ones that typically hang out together. But, upon further examination, I realized that these birds never hang out together and that they were three different types of birds entirely. It made me smile to think...maybe things will change for the better and we really will become "one" --- I'm being optimistic! Life is way to short and I'm starting today off positive! At the top is a Robin, the middle bird is a Brown Thrasher and the third one is a Hairy Woodpecker!
And the whole time I'm reminded of this beautiful song by Corinne Bailey Rae!  Enjoy!

Life is your neighbor!  

Happy Friday!

"Fearful as reality is, it is less fearful than evasions of reality." ~ Caitlin Thomas

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