Sometimes all you need is a walk in the woods to clear your mind and renew your spirit. Yesterday was one of those days.
The forest is literally busting with newness this time of year, with lots of native plants and wildflowers just waiting for discovery. These "Jack-in-the-pulpits" are always super cool to find and, yesterday, I found several, including a five leaved plant that hasn't produced a "jack" yet
I can't wait to see if one pops up! But the best find yesterday was this very elusive "Hooded Warbler" --- I've been hearing it singing for a couple of weeks, but have not been able to actually see it, until yesterday, which was bitter/sweet, because I had a very difficult "Mother's Day" this year, with everything going on in my family. This beautiful bird seemed to say "just keep on singing, everything will be alright"
And I was even lucky enough to get a pretty decent photo of it, too!
And then I got to witness a pair of Carolina Wrens building a nest in my hanging "Angel Wing Begonia" that is in a macrame' hanger my dad made years ago
I thought it was pretty funny watching the pair pick out nesting materials...while one of them [assuming the female] made some very elaborate choices, the other one [assuming the male] would just fly down and grab whatever he could, not thinking twice about it. They were so much fun to watch!
I can't wait to see the little family!
Happy Monday!
love and peace always ~ Kathy
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