So I've been reading lots of things on the internet, visiting lots of sites, Etsy top sellers, etc., learning new ways to package things up, recycle, reuse & just basically "cutsie" things up a bit for packaging my items to send out to my customers. One of the things I read, and really really, loved was to use pages from old books for wrapping, making boxes, note cards, etc. Well, even though I have a gazillion books, I couldn't bear the thought of tearing them up. So I went to "Goodwill" today and got 2 old "World Atlas" books {because the maps are just so wonderfully colorful} and I got 1 old dictionary and this:

It's called "Fields of Gold" and is an awesome, 155 page book of inspirational quotations from ancient and modern times. Of course, I'm not about to cut this up, but use it for my ending blog quotes. I'm going to go right in order, starting on page 1 {they may not make sense sometimes, but it'll be interesting to see when they do}. And to think, it was .99 cents! I love thrift stores!

I love this, too! It's brand new
in the shop and called
"Paper-n-things" ~ The pendant is made by my wonderful friend, Susan over at
"TV Tray Art". She makes some awesome things. In fact, she's working on something special for me right now ~ hee hee I can't wait to see it!! Of course, it will be shared right here when it's finished.
Speaking of finished, I'm off to make something new!!! I hope you are all having a wonderful week! Happy Thursday!
♥ & peace always ~ Kathy
This quote is under "Opportunity" ~ the very 1st one in the book ;)
"There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. We must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures." ~
William Shakespeare
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