Saturday, April 26, 2008

Friday Post!!!

I know! It's Saturday, but THIS is the "Friday Post". And little Miss Lita picked #3 today, so Noura is the lucky winner of the fab earrings from last Friday's Post. Congratulations, Noura {aka Whirling Kaye}. I sure do miss all of my little "whirling friends". Our Friday nights around here aren't near as eventful. So I looked back at all the winners from my Friday blog posts and it looks like everybody that has commented has won something. With that being said and done, I'm going to stop the usual Friday post give away and just randomly have a give away here and there. But, since next Friday is my Birthday *yay me*, I will be having the last Friday give away then. And the lucky winner of my Birthday give away will win this awesome little Buddha bracelet:

And, of course, all you have to do to win is post a comment on this blog. Good luck everybody!! I know you will love this little fellow.

Now that all the technical stuff is out of the way, I just have to share a few things that have made me smile lately {besides Jonas the goat}. One of them is these awesome Duck eggs that I got from the farm the other day:

They are just sooooo yummy! And the best part - they are only $2/dozen and they are fresh from the duck butt, or chicken, if you prefer. If you've never tried them, I think you should. And if you ever come visit me, I'll be sure and have some on hand.

We went on another awesome hike Thursday and I do believe it was my favorite one so far. The hike started @ "Buckhorn Gap Trail", went up to the "Twin Falls Loop" and then back down the "Avery Creek Trail". The total hike was 4miles and just breathtaking. All of the wildflowers are starting to bloom and the creeks are full of gorgeous rocks and rushing water. I made a little video of the creek, so turn up your speakers and enjoy:

All along the trails these awesome little *Trillium* flowers {among lots of other little flowers} were popping up all over the place. If you click on the picture below, you can take a look at all of the photos of our hike on "Flickr" – I hope you enjoy them:

Off to make breakfast & enjoy the rest of the day. We have to get all of our little bird houses hung up today, so they can start being homes to the little birds we have here in the forest ~ Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!!!

Xxoo & peace always ~ Kathy

"If you live according to the dictates of nature, you will never be poor; if according to the notions of humankind, you will never be rich." - Seneca


  1. I love that creek, it looks very much like ours here. We have 2 that meet on our property...with all the flooding we've had lately, it's been nice to hear the creek running while I'm going to bed...then to wake up to, not one, but 4 roosters crowing!!
    First thing I do is reach for my iPod. I may live on a farm, but that doesn't mean I like to wake up at 5:00!
    Love the duck egg. My new chickens have started laying and they lay blue eggs..really pretty Tiffany blue.
    I have a coffee mug that's very kitschy (sp)that says, "Eggnog. Holiday spirit, fresh from the chicken's ass."
    Have a great weekend.

  2. I usually find myself thinking "what kind of comment would I make that won't make me sound like I'm commenting just to win a gift?", but today my thoughts went more like "oh boy that's gorgeous"...

    That bracelet is gorgeous!

  3. I love that saying, Jen! It's funny - Eggnog is Ozzy's most favorite thing in the whole world {besides Bluebell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream}. When it arrives in the stores near holiday time, he can actually smell it in my grocery bag. Wayne gives him and Lita a little bit every morning through Christmas. I would love to have blue chicken eggs and a creek I could hear from my window ~ how wonderful that would be :) And, thank you very much "kityikana" ~ I hope you win ;) Happy Day!!!

  4. well, don't you know, I kept checking all day Friday - no post. Saturday, I was barely online b/c of doing stuff w/ my mom (SHOPPING!), Sunday got lost in a blur of housecleaning. I just went to the mailbox and found out I must have won the prize this time!!! YAY ME!!! I LALALOVE the earrings Kathy. They are beautiful. I wish I could celebrate your bday w/ you, but know I'll be celebrating in your honor. HAPPY EARLY BDAY!
    Miss you.... and thanks again. :)

  5. Awe, Kaye ~ ♥ ~ I hope you think of me when you wear your earrings :) Love & Miss you!!!

  6. That creek is awesome... i love the sound of rushing water over the rocks!

    You mean not all eggs are white? :O)

  7. That's right, Lora :) Not all eggs are white and the blue ones are awesome!


Thanks for your comments ~ ♥