Sunday, March 7, 2010

Birthdays & Ice Cream!!

Okay, so some of you probably think I'm "nuts" because Ozzy & Lita get treated more like children than dogs [just sometimes]. For their birthdays, I buy little cups of ice-cream for them and they just LOVE it!!! Lita's birthday was Friday and I think it was her best ever:
..that ice-cream made them sleep like little babies! They were in heaven...yes, life is really good for Ozzy & Lita!

The next birthday around here is mine!!! But today, is Jen's!! Happy Birthday, Jen!!! She's one of my awesome [cyber friends] and blog reader. Now, with that being said, I want everybody to leave me a comment and let me know when your birthday is. I'll be sending out a special little "birthday prize" to you on your special day! Of course, you don't have to tell me the year, just the month and day!! It'll be fun and, I promise you'll be glad you told me!
It's finally warmed up around it and it's going to be a gorgeous day! We are headed up to "Big Rock Trail" for a great hike! I'll have more pictures later [of course].

So seize the day peeps!!! Life is good ~ make the most of it!!
♥ & peace always ~ Kathy

"Cheerfulness and content are great beautifiers and are famous preservers of youthful looks." ~ Charles Dickens


  1. awww. Happy Birthday Ozzie and Lila! :)

  2. What a beautiful view and Happy Birthday to Ozzie and Lila!
    (Mine is July 31)

  3. Kathy..did you go to Douglass College?

  4. no cake with their ice cream? ; )

    June 11

  5. Thanks ya'll!!! And "drrishi" no, I didn't go to Douglass College. I'm from Baton Rouge, Louisiana :)

  6. Thanks for the birthday wishes Kathy! I'm in great company with Ozzy and Lita...!
    When is your bday?
    We've had a couple of long, gorgeous hikes over the weekend and I think it was my best birthday yet.


Thanks for your comments ~ ♥