Thursday, April 19, 2007

I was tagged by MsBelle, so here's 10 things about me that you probably don't know:

1. I smoked cigarettes for 27 years {started when I was 13 and quit 6 years ago}. It was a terrible habit and I wish I had never smoked, but @ least I did have the willpower to quit.

2. I started working @ a Life Insurance Company when I was 16 {part-time file clerk} and stayed there for 21 years! When I left I was the manager of the annuity department.

3. I love to write stories {and tell them, as well}. That's what I try to do in most of my jewelry descriptions - tell a story about the item, rather then just describe it. Because I would hope that if someone were describing me, they would have a story to tell, as well.

4. If there is such a thing, I used to be a "hippie head-banger/punk rocking gal". Me and my best girlfriend, Chris, would go out dancing & partying almost every night when we were in our 20's. She lives in Los Angeles now, but boy do we have some stories when we get together. The things we did - I'm just glad we are still here to tell about it.

5. I love rocks & shells. I can stay in a creek looking at & collecting rocks for days on end. My best friend, Sharon, lives in Perdido Keys, FL and she is just like me. When I go visit her, we slap on a gallon of sunscreen {at least I have to} and then we peruse the beaches for hours and hours looking for shells. When she comes to visit me in NC, we stay in the rivers & creeks looking for rocks.

6. I love all creatures & critters, big & small, slimy & fuzzy. However, I am totally and almost to the point of hysterically petrified of a cockroach. Even typing the word makes me jumpy. I don't know what it is about them, other than the fact that they always seem to want to fly and land on my face, like one did when I was a little girl. I never use the word "hate" because it is just so unforgiving, but I can honestly say that I "hate" cockroaches.

7. I love to draw & color. Give me a box of colors & a coloring book and you won't hear a peep out of me for hours. When I don't have a coloring book, I just draw & color pictures around words I write in my journal. I'll have to take a picture one day and post it for you to see.

8. I love reading & writing poetry & quotations. I have several books {well, lots of books} and I can just read that stuff all day. I also make up poems and quotes of my own to use in greeting cards & letters to friends.

9. I'm a certified website designer & networking geek! One time I had three computers lined up on the floor and had them all networked together. Now this was before you could just go out and buy a router, so it was not that easy. I still maintain a couple of websites that I created for people, but I'm more into my jewelry now and I let technology go ahead and pass me up. It just got to fast for me to keep up with.

10. I spend way to much time on the computer, when I have a gazillion other things I need to be doing. Thanks, Ginger!

I'll write more later ~ off to be creative & productive. xxoo & peace ~ Kathy


  1. We're a lot alike, Kathy!
    Your move should be coming up very soon. Maybe we can go wading in the creek together!!

  2. I'm with you on the cockroach thing.

    I don't need to go into details about why, but I will say that I won't put on anything that's been in the closet without first shaking it out... vigorously. {shudder}

  3. Sounds like a plan, Ginger! I can't wait till the move is over. I would certainly love to meet you. And Maile, I found out that we don't have them in Pisgah Forest, NC, so I'm elated. They are practially the "state bird" of Louisiana, them and the mosquitos ~ eeekkk ;)

  4. Very interesting... I love those "10 things about me" you learn a lot about a person :O)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Welcome to Blogger! I didn't know that you moved here?! (that's my deleted post. I couldn't edit it, so I deleted it).
    Happy Earth Day~~~~~


Thanks for your comments ~ ♥